Thursday 13 February 2014



Info Area

  • Info Area is like “Folder” in Windows. InfoArea is used to organize InfoCubes, InfoObjects, MultiProviders, and InfoSets in SAP BW.
InfoObject Catalog 

Similar to InfoArea, InfoObject Catalog is used to organize the InfoObject based on their type. So we will have InfoObjects Catalogs of type Characteristics & KeyFigures.

Info Objects
  • It is the bsic unit or object in SAP BI  used to create any structures in SAP BI. 
  • Each field in the source system is referred as InfoObject on SAP BI.
  • We have 5 types of Info Objects: Characteristic, KeyFigure, Time Characteristic, Unit Characteristic, and Technical Characteristic.
  • Data Source defines Transfer Structure.
  • Transfer Structure indicates what fields and in what sequence are they being transferred from the source system. 
  • We have 4 types of data source:
  • Attr: used to load master data attr 
  • Text: Used to load text data 
  • Hier: used to load hierarchy data 
  • Transcation data: used to load transaction data to Info cube or ODS.
  • Source system is an application from where SAP BW extracts the data. 
  • We use Source system connection to connect different OLTP applications to SAP BI.
  • We have different adapters / connectors available:
  • SAP Connection Automatic
  • SAP Connection Manually 
  • My Self Connection
  • Flat file Interface
  • DB connect
  • External Systems with BAPI
  • Info package is used to schedule the loading process. 
  • Info package is specific to data source. 
  • All properties what we see in the InfoPackage depends on the properties of the DataSource.
Data Source
Source System
Info Package


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